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Economy and Finance: Books, Movies and TV shows

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Economy and Finance: Books, Movies and TV shows

Quants: The Alchemists of Wall Street (2010): In the financial world, quants refer to the mathematical and computing wizards responsible for building complex models in the engine room of the global financial system. They are often involved in high-frequency and automated trading. During the financial crisis, the products designed by these quants brought Wall Street to its knees.

This documentary examines how the financial system has become increasingly dependent on mathematical models attempting to quantify human and economic behavior and the huge risks they entail.


Last edited by Mansa on Thu Sep 07, 2023 5:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Economy and Finance: Books, Movies and TV shows

Black Wednesday (or the 1992 Pound Sterling Crisis): On September 16, 1992, Britain crashed out of the Exchange Rate Mechanism, a system that was meant to keep currencies from changing too much before the euro was introduced. This led to a sharp drop in the value of the pound. On that day, which is now called "Black Wednesday," the value of the pound fell 4.3%, the Bank of England burned through nearly £10bn worth of reserves, which was a huge amount at the time, and interest rates were raised twice, all in an attempt to keep the value of the pound up that failed.

This documentary goes into depth about what happened before "Black Wednesday" and what the main point of view is about how the German and British economies are run.


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Re: Economy and Finance: Books, Movies and TV shows

Fortune Seekers | Planet Finance is an alluring and lesser-known realm for retail traders, especially in Japan, where traditional savings yield minimal interest. The foreign exchange market becomes an accessible avenue, with 'Mrs. Watanabe' representing over a million Japanese individuals navigating this financial landscape.

Journey into the world of retail traders in the Japanese forex market with this documentary. Within this market, currencies engage in a zero-sum game where one person's gain translates to another's loss. Who reaps the rewards when you encounter losses?


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Inside Job(2010)

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Inside Job is a 2010 American documentary film, directed by Charles Ferguson, about the late 2000s financial crisis (IMDB Rating 8.2/10).
The global financial meltdown that took place in Fall of 2008 caused millions of job and home losses and plunged the United States into a deep economic recession.

This documentary provides a detailed examination of the elements that led to the collapse and identifies key financial and political players.

Director Charles Ferguson conducts a wide range of interviews and traces the story from the United States to China to Iceland to several other global financial hot spots.

Ferguson, who began researching in 2008, says the film is about "the systemic corruption of the United States by the financial services industry and the consequences of that systemic corruption". In five parts, the film explores how changes in the policy, environment and banking practices helped create the financial crisis.

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